

时间:2014年06月12日信息来源:本站原创 点击: 【字体:

1.Motivation means choosing to do what you'd rather not do, which is why unmotivated people never get anywhere.​


​2.Most people want to improve their situation but few take responsibility for motivating themselves to make changes.​


3.People can always validate the decision to avoid unpleasant work. Example: "Today, I'll get organized; tomorrow I'll make cold calls."​


4.Motivation comes from managing your mind and your emotions. Fail at this and you'll live a life of quiet desperation.​


5.The most depressing and de-motivating sentences in the world usually begin with the phrase "Someday, I'll..."​


​6.If you find yourself thinking negative thoughts, go someplace quiet and replace those thoughts with positive affirmations, prayer or meditation.​


​7.To get big results, ask yourself big questions. "Why do I want to be a millionaire?" is far more motivating than "How can I make a living?"​


​8.Don't set goals that just excite you; set goals that scare you a little bit. That way they'll strengthen your "motivation muscle."​


​9.What holds people back is fear of failure, but if you don't take action, you'll fail by default, so what have you got to lose?​


​10.You can have whatever you want in life, but nobody is going to give it to you. Everything of value must be earned.​



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